I did mention that my cycling project will also generate articles on Sikhism and this will include meeting interesting people. Sometimes I get a story because I am at the right place, right time.
I met Balwant Singh (white turban) who is 79 years of age at PJ Gurdwara recently and he spoke to me on the Iron bangle worn by a Sikh and death!
I told him my Iron bangle was given to me by the late Gianiji Harcharan Singh Ji (Orange Turban) of Melaka Gurdwara. And I am dedicating my cycling to him actually. He said "You are doing a good deed and continue with it."
I explained how I obtained my bangle some 4 years ago while I visited Gianiji in Melaka. We had a chat on spirituality and before leaving Gianiji had given me the Iron bangle as a gift and said may God lead me in truth and protect me always. It was a blessing and I was humbled and touched 🙏
When I heard of his passing, that broke my heart. Balwant was quick to remember the late Gianiji Harcharan Singh Ji too and spoke about his dedication and humbleness towards being a good Sikh who had carried out his duties diligently as ordained by God.
I met Balwant for the first time but my intuition tells me we knew each other before (past life). He then spoke to me briefly on death.
"We will all go one-day, have no fear of death. We don't die, death is the language of the mind. We are awareness and we are living in the presence of Waheguru (God) always," Balwant said.
Those words ignited vibrations tingling in my body. Yes, Soul is speaking to me. I feel it. It was a wonderful lesson on spirituality, the essence of Sikhism about death.
Before I left he said continue the good work which I am doing. I smiled, placed both my palms upright from my heart center and wished him Sat Sri Akaal while bowing my head gently as a gesture of respect.
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